New Patients Welcome Chiropractors understand that prevention is the key to health and wellness. Click on the links below for helpful tips on ways to improve the results of your Chiropractic care and to possibly prevent problems before they start.
- Do I need a Chiropractor, a Massage Therapist or a Physio? - Chiropractor vs Physio vs Massage Therapist Well that depends on what your condition actually is and what requires treatment! It is quite common for us to hear from patients asking us whether or not their problem is due to a… ...Read More
Workstation Ergonomics - Workstation Set Up Your workstation should be set up to cause the least amount of stress on your body. Prolonged hours of poor posture or repetitive work habits, often in a stressful environment can result in significant overuse injury. Applying… ...Read More
Osteoporosis Fact Sheet - Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become fragile and brittle. They fracture more easily than normal bone. Even a minor bump or fall can cause a serious fracture. Half of all women and one-third of men over 60… ...Read More
Correct Lifting Technique - Lifting injuries are a common cause of back pain. You can protect yourself against damage with good lifting habits, both at home and in the workplace. How Lifting Can Injure Your Spine When you lift, your spine is put under… ...Read More
Spinal Do’s and Don’ts - SUGGESTIONS TO FOLLOW DURING SPINAL CARE AND LATER FOR PREVENTION Avoid rubbing, probing, or "poking" in the areas your doctor adjusts. Avoid sudden twists or turns of movement beyond normal limits of motion, especially of the neck. Avoid extreme bending… ...Read More
Optimal Chair Setup - Correct seating posture is an essential ingredient to preventing spinal injury and fatigue. The basic features of a good chair are : - height adjustable - pelvic tilt on seat - lumbar support Adjust the height of your chair such… ...Read More
Suggestions for the Application of Ice and Heat - Ice is an effective and natural pain killer and anti-inflammatory. Ice should be applied over the inflamed area in the acute or early stages of your problem. Whenever you experience swelling, redness or sharp / stabbing pain it is generally… ...Read More
Arthritis Fact Sheet - What is Arthritis ? Arthritis is a major cause of disability and handicap in Australia affecting people of all ages and walks of life. Arthritis is not a single condition. There are over 150 kinds of arthritis, all of which… ...Read More
Useful Links - A collection of links providing further information about Chiropractic and health in general. Click on the picture to visit the website. Better Health Channel A large quality assured database of online health related information provided by the Victorian Government in… ...Read More
A Guide to Nutrition & Healthy Eating - Your dietary intake and eating habits offers one of the most influential means of determining how you feel and perform on a daily basis. By following some basic dietary principles, not only can you feel and function better, but you… ...Read More